This man had been dead
for four days and yet at the command of Jesus,
he was brought back to
He was alive but unable
to enjoy life all wrapped up in his graveclothes.
He was bound and unable
to unwrap himself.
He was alive....but not
functioning in freedom.
Jesus commanded the people
nearby to unwrap him so that he could be free to live.
This is the way we view
Biblical Counseling.
God has given each believer
new life in Christ, yet some are unable to function in abundant joy for
they are still wrapped up in their graveclothes for various reasons.
Things in their lives
that keep them from inner joy and effective ministry.
Sometimes they do not
even realize they have graveclothes on,
until their life begins
to 'stink' and then they seek help.
The Holy Spirit, through
the Word of God,
allows us to gently and
lovingly take off one layer of graveclothes at a time.
Until you are free in
Christ to live and serve full heartedly for HIM.