G-I-A-N-T-S !!

Do you remember the story of David and Goliath?
If not, open your Bible to 1 Samuel 17.
There was a mighty 'GIANT'  named Goliath threatening to take over all the land. 
The Israelite soldiers were all afraid to fight him
for he was GREAT in size and VERY intimidating. 

Even though the soldiers had protective armor and were trained in battle, 
the 'Giant' was tooooo big for them. 

Young David went to the army camp to deliver a care package to his brothers
from their dad. 
That is when he learned of the great concern. 
David stated that he would fight him if no one else was willing to. 

His one brother tryed to hush him up.  King Saul got word and sent for David. 

David was full of confidence as he told that the King he was not afraid
to fight the 'Giant'. 
The King at first insisted on conventional methods of armor and sword 
...but these did not suit David. 
He said that the Lord had delivered him out of the hands of a Bear and a Lion 
and  God  was fully capable of delivering him from the hands of a Giant. 
The King said, "GO".
David  carefully selected five smooth stones from the water to use in his slingshot.
God had equipped him. 

He walked up to the 'Giant'.

Goliath began to tease him and mock him for coming before him in an attitude of war. 

David declared, "I come to you in the name of the Lord of hosts, 
the God of the armies of Israel, whom thou hast defied." 

He went on to say that what was about to happen 
was so all the earth would know that there is a God in Israel. 

Goliath fell to the ground dead 
when David's first stone embedded  in his forehead. 
We are sure the Israelite army had defeated many an enemy...
but they had one they were unable, unqualified, unequipped to tackle. 
One that all of their training did not prepare them for. 
We believe that Secular Counselors can truly help alot of people. 
Medicine can help alot of people.
But there are some people that seem to get no relief from therapy or medication.
They have tried everything. 
They have been in and out of Psychiatric hospitals, only to return to crisis. 
It is THIS group of people that we believe need to consider  Biblical Counseling. 
God can kill the Giants in your life when there 'seems to be' no hope.

God wants your friends, your family, your world to know
that there is still a living, powerful God.

He desires to restore you for HIS glory.

Give it some thought.